Rated G, 80 minutes
"The Secret World of Arriety" is a charming but familiar animated adventure about little people, called "Borrowers," living among normal-size humans. One of the borrowers, a 14-year old girl named Arriety ("Good Luck Charlie's" Bridgit Mendler) who is discovered by a human boy named Shawn. The two forge a friendship but don't realize the dangers if their secret friendship is uncovered by the rest of the world. Based on a 1950's children's fantasy book by Mary Norton called "The Borrowers," this animated Disney film is actually the North American dubbed version of the same Japanese hit film released in 2010. Fun, engaging but all-too familiar, the film is perfect for young kids but may have limited appeal for those over the age of 10 or those outside Japanese anime enthusiasts. Mendler, a Disney Channel star, voices the title role, and real husband-wife Will Arnett and Amy Poehler voice her suspicious parents. The real treat is hearing veteran comedienne Carol Burnett voice the role of a human housekeeper, though she has just a few lines. The animation is standard but colorful Japanese anime stuff, and the wholesome messages that true friendship transcends shape and size, are family-friendly. "Arriety" is fun enough but may have trouble finding the wide audience that loves the CG Pixar stuff.
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