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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blackfish - A-

Rated PG-13, 80 minutes

Disturbing, thought-provoking doc "Blackfish" uncovers who the real killer is

The controversial documentary "Blackfish" will make you mad, for the right reasons. It is a compelling, often disturbing film about the way in which we treat and handle wild animals, just for show. "Blackfish" focuses on the captivity of the killer whale Tilikum, who was involved in the deaths of three individuals, and the consequences of keeping such large and intelligent animals in captivity for so long at such popular theme parks such as Sea World. Directed and co-written by Gabriela Cowperthwaite, it's a fascinating, superbly persuasive look at the argument against keeping wild animals in captivity. Slow-moving, it takes it time in telling its argument, though it certainly moves enough you to think twice about going to Sea World again. Cowperthwaite shows that keeping the whales in dark tanks for so long with other wild animals, among other things, leads to more aggression in the animals, and to more unfortunate deaths to the humans. What a cruel, ironic circle of life. Man captures animal and keeps animal in captivity for long periods of time. Animal responds by killing its capturer. So who is the real killer? The whale or humans? The absorbing, intelligent and involving documentary, "Blackfish," one of the best of the year, of course leads you to believe we're at fault, and probably we are.  A must-see, though potentially very divisive.

Wes's Grade: A-

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