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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Dictator - B-

Rated R, 83 minutes

You'll love and hate the new comedy "The Dictator"

The verdict is in and I didn't hate the low-brow new comedy "The Dictator" as much as I thought I would. The film stars Sacha Baron Cohen, whose offensive, broad brand of shock comedy was sharp in "Borat" but less so in the terrible "Bruno," finds more stable ground with "The Dictator." Unlike his previous films, "The Dictator" isn't a mockumentary but more of a loosely scripted film with a few decent actors alongside him (Anna Faris and Ben Kingsley, both used well here, especially Faris). The film is about a fictional ruler named General Aladeen from a North African country called Wadiya (also fictional) who is unexpectedly desposed while visiting New York City so that a more democratic government could be installed. Remarkably, "The Dictator" has some sharp, hilarious moments that rival "Borat" but also some deeply offensive moments in typical Baron Cohen form that fall flat in its attempts to shock. "The Dictator" reminds of a famous Bart Simpson line: "Is it possible that it both sucks and blows?" With "The Dictator," that would be yes; you may hate it and love it at the same time. The bottom line: there are some inspired moments and Baron Cohen is a comedic talent (and acquired taste), but overall you won't remember much. Do watch for some amusing cameos ranging from John C. Reilly to Megan Fox. "The Dictator" rules, but only for a few fleeting moments.

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